Imagine you are just a little fella.
Who could barely even tell ya,
Their name
Their age
Their date of birth
Or what is today
They don't see the world quite so clearly They see it as a little more opaque.
And they do it very well
Given they only have a couple years
Under their belt
The old ran to school in the morning
With nothing but a book strap
With everything twisting and turning
Then we found you could sling a bag
Over your back
And to look cool
You only used one strap
Now all they need is
A power chord
To get every required learning
From the school board
What happened to those nice young women who lead the way?
The teachers who saw every kid was emotional in some way
They helped them learn through songs together
Telling the kids to try and do better
They didn't label them based on an average score.
They told them to work hard
Even though the kids looked bored
Personally, they kept telling me I was a C.
Luckily that was fine with me.
Cause that was a letter I knew
It was something I was and could be
It was the first letter
Right behind my first name,